This article may contain major plot spoilers that threaten to ruin elements of the story!
If you haven't completed the game(s) it is highly recommended that you tread with caution while reading this article!
“Oh Rapo... What am I getting myself into!?”
Jowee is one of the Drawn to Life series' main protagonists. Jowee is Mari's best friend and love interest. He is portrayed as very carefree and adventurous. He is featured on the box art of all of the main Drawn to Life games.
Jowee's personality changes over the course of the games. In the original game, Jowee was not always incredibly serious, but loved adventures. Jowee liked Mari and was very kind, but occasionally made mistakes that caused trouble for the village. In Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, Jowee started off seemingly with no goal in mind. He then learned that Mari was missing and became far more serious. This change in attitude led to him taking on a role similar to that of The Hero's sidekick. He then risked his life to save Mari, which showed how devoted he truly is.
Jowee is a teenage male Raposa with orange fur. He wears a blue and white shirt and brown shorts. In addition, he also wears blue goggles, which often rest upon his head, and a red scarf with a gold bell.
Jowee's appearance, for the most part, remains consistent between games and official art. Some discrepancies, however, do exist. For example, in many official artworks, including the game box-art, Jowee is seen without shorts (Though this is likely a stylistic choice and not his actual outfit or lack thereof). This contradicts the in-game sprites and the official "Raposa Coat of Arms", which both show him wearing shorts. The latter of which even includes Jowee wearing shoes, something not seen anywhere else.
Drawn to Life[]
Jowee is first encountered when he is woken up by his house being tapped three times. At first, he only half believes Mari when she tells him of The Creator's return. He quickly changes his mind when he hears The Creator himself and sees The Hero. When Heather is rescued from Frostwind, Jowee is assigned to watch over her by The Mayor. This leads to the two developing a close friendship.
Jowee will sometimes attempt to impress Mari. He once went about this by running into a level, forcing The Hero to retrieve him. Later it is pointed out that he only wanted to get a flower for Mari. Jowee usually has good intentions, but can still be fairly reckless. At the end of the game, Indee and Pirate Beard invite Jowee to go on an adventure with them. Mari tells him that he should not refuse since it is his lifelong dream. In the end, however, he decides to stay with her.
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii)[]
In Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii), Jowee is given a more primary role. When items are stolen, Jowee believes that Zsasha is behind their disappearance. He also believes that Zsasha has gone off to Jangala. Jowee goes with The Hero to Jangala in order to try and find Zsasha and bring back the items. Jowee and The Hero then find Zsasha has been held captive by a Monkey King. Jowee's theory is proven wrong when Mari realizes Zsasha didn't take the items. Mari then suspects that Wilfre had returned and stole the items. She then sends Jowee and The Hero to Shadow City, to see if they can find Wilfre. They find Wilfre's journal, which holds a plan to destroy The Creator. The plan requires branches from the Tree of Ages and the Eternal Furnace, along with a pen and pencil and the mask they got from the Monkey King to stop Wilfre. Jowee and The Hero are then sent to Icy Wastes, in order to find the Eternal Furnace. Sooln the group hear from Galileo that the Tree of Ages is in trouble, so The Hero and Jowee go to the Eastern Winds. They save the tree, and get the branches. After Circi reveals that she was with Wilfre all along, her monster fills the village with Shadow and kills her. The Hero then defeats it, and Jowee says he doesn't want to go on adventures as often anymore.
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter[]
In Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, Jowee is again given a more primary role. He becomes second protagonist to The Hero after Mari's departure. As the game progresses, he goes through a significant change in attitude and adapts to the role of a leader and a helpful guide. Much to the reluctance of the rest of the villagers, Jowee insists on searching for his missing friend. When he and the rest of the group arrive at Wilfre's Wasteland, he confronts Mari, who finally joins back with her village. During the final battle, the Raposa pray for The Hero.
“Huh? ...What's going on?? Hey Mari... I was just taking a nap...”
“The Creator? That's crazy! The Creator hasn't spoken to anyone in years...”
“I'm with Mari... We should at least give The Creator a chance!”
“Maybe we should listen to your pop... It's Isaac's daughter!”
“Mari! Wait...! Oh Rapo... What am I getting myself into!?”
“Uh... I'm still here... Maybe you should ask The Creator for help?”
“Mari... Look at all these books...”
When Jowee enters the Creation Hall for the first time.
“Who the Rapo said that?!”
When The Creator says "The Mayor is in Danger".
“Wow! The Creator spoke! Mari, you weren't kidding!”
“Wow! The mannequin came to life!!”
“Hi Hero... nice to meet you!”
“Well, Hero... Show us what you can do!”
“Who the Rapo are you!?”
Jowee when meeting Wilfre for the first time.
“Oooh! That Wilfre!”
“We should go find your dad... He'll know what to do. The village entrance is blocked by darkness... We could use The Village Snow Gate to get there...”
“Yeah, it's northwest of here. Just follow the path until it ends!”
Jowee explaining to the Hero where the Snow Gate is.
“Just walk up to the gate and push it open!”
Jowee explaining to the Hero how the gate works.
“I don't want to hear about the Snow Fields... They were probably... *sigh* Unbelievable... Unimaginable... Incredible...”
“So... Hero what do you think of Mari? She's a cool Rapo eh? ... forget I said anything.”
“Hero I was wondering if I could come with you on your next adventure... ya know like a sidekick?”
“I still think the creator should have drawn a giant reflecter dish...”
“A whale?! And you didn't let me come?! You've gotta let me come with you on your next adventure!”
“I need to find Mari a gift! Better than what Isaac found...”
“Uhh... Something is missing from my House... It's a flow- Hi Mari!”
Jowee about to tell The Mayor about the missing flower but being put off when Mari enters.
“You know I could have helped with Deadwood!”
“Rapo! A pirate ship!”
After the docks are cleared.
“You can do it, Mari! You're The Mayor now.. only you can do it.”
“You can do it, Hero!”
Jowee right before Wilfre is fought.
“You're amazing, Hero...”
After Wilfre is defeated.
“An adventure! At last! Are you ready to go, Hero? I'm comin' with!”
“It's Zsasha's mask! What's this doing here? I've never seen Zsasha without it! We need to return to the village and tell Mari. I think this is... a clue!”
Upon finding Zsasha's mask in Jangala Floor.
“I know! Crazy, right?! Maybe he stole his own mask! Wait... that doesn't make sense. Maybe the bridge stole HIM! Nah... still doesn't make sense.”
Jowee trying to figure out why Zsasha's mask was in Jangala Floor and who is stealing from the village.
“That monkey tail is awesome! With it, you can swing through the jungle and find Zsasha!”
Jowee commenting on The Hero's new tail in Jangala Climb.
“Those don't look like Raposa tracks. Those look like... your tracks, Hero! You're the thief! I knew it! Oh, wait... Those are from earlier. But here are the thief's tracks. And they aren't Raposa, either! They look like monkey tracks! Let's get to the bottom of this... monkey business! I've always wanted to say that.”
After Farmer Brown points out muddy footprints leading to Jangala Gate.
“You know, no one has seen the Monkey King in years. What if he doesn't WANT visitors?”
“Shadow Labyrinth. That does NOT sound like a place I want to go to.”
“WHAT? SERIOUSLY? You're kidding, right?! But, but... I... Oh, Rapo. Ok. I'll do it.”
Jowee upon being told to go to Wilfre's Lair.
“Hey! Come back here when I'm yelling at you!”
Jowee after seeing a shadowy figure in the level Shadow Palace
“Oh, Rapo. You want me to go with Hero, don't you?”
“It's n..n..not so b..b..bad.”
Jowee when it begins to snow in the village.
“What the Rapo? That gear head will never survive out there! He doesn't even have fur!”
Upon hearing that Mike went to go find the Eternal Furnace in the Icy Gates.
“Thanks, Mike. For someone with short ears you're not so weird after all!”
Upon Mike discovering the location of the Eternal Furnace.
“The Creator drew wings once before! Maybe we can get help again!”
Jowee referencing the Wings creation from the first game.
“Wow! Flying is amazing! Let's head back to the village to see where we go next.”
Jowee commenting on The Hero's new Wings in Sky Arch Mountains.
“Whew! I never knew all this adventuring could be such hard work!”
“So much for taking a break!”
“Oooh! That Wilfre! And I was really looking forward to attending that feast too!”
“Whew! Those last few shadow creatures were pretty tough! Those must be the last of them, right? Please say I'm right...”
Jowee after the completion of The Drifting Isles
“Did she just call Wilfre her "snookums?"”
Jowee after hearing Circi call Wilfre her "snookums".
“Oh, Rapo! I can't believe we fell for her act!”
Jowee after seeing Circi's true colors.
“We were all fooled, but at least the village is safe, right? Because you led us, Mayor Mari.”
“All we can do, Mari. Stick by our friends and try to live good lives. And have great parties once in a while. Those are the only adventure I want for a loooooong time. Come on. I think Cookie still has a feast waiting for us!”
After Mari asks what the Raposa should do.
“Our celebration is bittersweet, but our adventure has been grand, don't you think?”
“It's not your fault Mari! It's Wilfre's and you know it is!”
“If this is outer space... where are all the stars? Sigh... The last ime I saw the stars was when I was on the moonlit deck with Mari. Hero, I don't suppose you could return the color to the heavens?”
Jowee asking the Hero to restore color to the stars.
“I know it's stupid, but let's just go along with this. This is ab-----solutely the last time!”
Jowee going along with Click's demands to activate the generators.
“Mari I know you did what you thought was right... but now it's time to do.. what is really right...”
Jowee is featured on the Raposa Coat of Arms.
His official art shows that he doesn't wear shorts, but his sprites show that he wears brown shorts.
Jowee is shown after the credits as a doll won from the fair on Mike's bedside.
The Jowee doll shown in the credits might belong to Heather, explaining her instant attachment to him in the first Drawn to Life.
Jeremiah Slaczka is shown to be fond of him and is 5th Cell's second mascot after Scribblenaut's Maxwell.
He may also be based on Joe Tringali, the game's executive director.
Jowee probably got his name from Joseph in The Bible, the father of Jesus.
He is one of four characters to sing in the series. The others being Mari, Rose and Heather.
According to an interview with Jermiah Slaczka, he is an older teenager of around 19 years old