“Why don't you respond! How could you just sit there and be silent!?
Now almost everyone has left the village...”
Mari yelling at The Creator.
“You are The Creator of everything. This is your world!
Bring it back to what it once was! Please...”
“Then I guess it's all over...”
Mari after The Creator refuses to help.
“Is that really you!? After all this time!! I knew you would help us!”
Mari after The Creator accepts to help her.
“Jowee!!! Jowee come quick!
He's not answering! Creator can you tap on his house and wake him up?”
Mari trying to wake up Jowee at the start of the game.
“The Creator just spoke to me!”
“But Dad... it's true!!”
“You can't be serious, Dad! What about The Creator!?”
“This is crazy! No one is listening to me!
You believe me Jowee... Don't you...?”
“Fine then... I'll go myself... No wonder The Creator abandoned us!”
“The Creator told me to gather the villagers here... but everyone is gone!”
“I wonder what's inside Creation Hall... it's been sealed for as long as I can remember...”
Mari, when talked to before Creation Hall is unlocked.
“Creator... why did you bring us here? What do you need us to do?”
Mari once inside Creation Hall.
“What?! My dad is in trouble?”
Mari upon The Creator telling her that The Mayor is in danger.
“It's okay lil rapo... Hero is only here to help...”
Mari comforting Cindi.
“Hero, thanks for finding Cindi... We should go find her parents now!”
“You better not hurt my dad!!”
Mari upon meeting Wilfre.
“Hi Hero... This is The Village Snow Gate...
We should probably stay behind... The Snow Fields can be dangerous!
Please save my dad... He shouldn't be that far away...”
“Dad! You made it back... I was so worried...”
Mari once her dad was rescued.
“Hero, Cindi ran into The Snow Fields! You need to bring her back!”
“Well... you should know better then to run off by yourself!”
Mari talking to Cindi after she was rescued.
“This is The Village Wishing Well!
Jowee and I used to throw rocks in it when we were lil' Rapos!
Nothing happened... But once, Jowee dropped a Rapo Coin in there...
and five Rapo Coins popped out!
My dad yelled at us for playing here...
but I don't think he would mind if you used it!”
Mari telling The Hero about The Wishing Well.
“If I had 10,000 Rapo Coins, I would just throw them all in the well!
...Maybe something fun would happen!”
“So I was looking around Creation Hall...
...and found some old books with drawings...
Inside Creation Hall you can view what's been drawn in The Village
and also create some new heroes to help us out!
Go ahead and tap on Creation Hall...
Then when you're done, visit my dad!”
Mari giving the Creation Hall tutorial.
“Aw Rapo... I'm out of things to read...
How about some paint? We want to put up a sign at The Village Gate.
We're gonna ask The Creator to rename the village soon!”
Mari asking Isaac if he has any books or paint for sale.
“Well... at least it's sunny again! No more grey skies!”
“Isaac's shop is empty at the moment... I already spoke with him earlier.”
Upon Jowee wondering if they should ask Isaac for a ladder.
“...Rapo. Don't be rude!”
After Jowee tells The Hero to help put up a sign at The Village Gate.
“I miss your cooking... My Dad isn't a chef...”
After Cookie asks how Mari's appetite is.
“Cookie was always so sweet... I wonder if he'll reopen The Restaurant...
The snow is finally starting to melt, too!”
“Hungry? You're a strange one, Hero.”
Upon The Hero saying The Banya Fields made them hungry.
You... hit me from behind!
You better start running!
Throw another one! I dare you!”
Upon being hit by a snowball Jowee accidentally threw at her.
“So that's how it is?! Hit me with a snowball and then run to my Dad for help?!”
“In your dreams, Rapodork!”
After Jowee suggests using Mari for bait in the village snowball fight.
“By the way... you throw like a Rapogirl.”
Mari taunting Jowee.
“That's not nice! Hero did great!”
After Jowee say the Hero should've tried harder in the snowball fight.
“Ahh, why are you chasing me?!”
In response to some of the villagers chasing her.
“Dad! The sun is driving everyone crazy!”
I don't think the sun is the problem... it's just that we get no break from it.
We should ask Hero to find The Raincloud page...
The rain will water the Banya crop and the clouds will block some of the sunlight...”
“Hi, Hero... I didn't see you come in...
I saw the rainclouds up in the sky... I bet the villagers will be happier now.”
Mari inside Creation Hall
“Yea... I was just about to ask him about this strange book I found...
It's a diary written by previous mayors... Before Creation Hall was sealed...”
Mari telling her dad about The Mayor's Book she found. She was going to ask The Hero about it before he arrived at Creation Hall.
“Wow... Uh... I dunno Dad...
Are you... feeling ok?”
After her dad tells her that he'll start training her to be Mayor.
“Well... I'll do my best I guess...”
“Me... the Mayor?
What do you think, Hero?”
“Yeah it might be hard...
I need to think more about this... See you later!”
Upon telling Mari it might be tough being Mayor.
“You really think so?
Thanks, Hero... You're so nice...
Anyway, I need to think more about this... See you later!”
Upon telling Mari she'll do great.
“You're both terrible!! The poor thing is scared...”
After Jowee and The Mayor question what Heather is.
“What do you mean he took a vacation?!
He just snuck into the Twilte Wood?!
Hero, you have to save him...”
After telling Mari that Jowee 'took a vacation'.
“Oh Jowee! You're safe! Thank The Creator!!”
“Thanks for bringing Jowee back... I was really worried...
I wish he would think of other Rapos before running off...”
“So other then keeping Jowee out of trouble, how was The Twilite Wood?”
“You floated around on the wind?
That's pretty crazy...”
After The Hero says the Twilite Woods were windy.
“I can imagine! That Rapo is so adventure-hungry...
I hope he didn't cause too much trouble... I bet my dad will yell at him!”
After The Hero saying they were too busy protecting Jowee in The Twilite Wood.
“Is it time already?
I'm nervous, Hero! What if I'm not ready to start the training...
I guess I have no choice...”
Upon The Hero gathering everyone for the festival.
“Oh... hey, Hero...
...My Dad sent you?
You can tell him I'll be there soon...
I just want some time alone...”
Mari when she snuck away from the festival.
“Why did you run away to the Twilite Woods...?
I was so worried... You didn't even tell me you were going!
You didn't think of anyone but yourself...”
“A book about whales...
Upon Jowee giving her a book about whales.
“Are you okay!?
...What's that?”
After Zsasha returns the flower to Jowee.
“It's beautiful...
Upon Jowee giving her the flower he picked in Twilite Wood.
“Yeah... They're probably going to make me give a speech or something...”
After Jowee suggest returning to the festival.
“Hi Dad...
Hello everyone... You all know me...
My Dad decided it's time for me to start my training to become Mayor...
I guess I'm all grown up now...
I'll probably never live up to my Dad...
He's been the greatest Mayor ever...
But I can do my best...
I'm glad everyone is back... and I hope more Raposa return...
That's all I can think of...”
Mari's speech during the festival.
“I had a lot of fun...
I should practice my speech next time though...”
Mari right after the festival
“Galileo was the smartest Rapo in our village!”
Upon Galileo's return.
“So how was it? Whenever you leave, I can't wait to hear about your adventures!”
Mari asking The Hero about Star Forest.
“A meteor shower? Isn't that dangerous?!
You better not get yourself injured!”
Upon The Hero telling Mari that there was a meteor shower.
“I bet they were fast!
You must be sick of seeing trees by now...”
Upon The Hero saying they rode a zip line.
“So... Isaac, why won't you sell Cookie any more mayonnaise jars?”
“No one listens...
Oh, Hero... I dunno if I'm capable of being Mayor...”
“Yeah... A piece of paper in an old rapobottle...”
Mari saying what she and Jowee found by digging in the sand.
“Yeah... Or some secret love letter...”
Mari suggesting what the paper in the rapobottle could be.
“It looks like a page torn from The Book of Life...
Hi, Hero! We found something that maybe you can use...”
Mari opening the rapobottle to find a page from The Book of Life.
“Hero... Everyone heard about the beach... Now it's too crowded...
Hey... Do you think The Creator could clear the darkness over this cove?
Then we can keep this beach a secret...”
“This is so awesome...
This beach will be our secret... Okay, Hero?”
“Yeah... Hey... I bet he would like to see this beach...
Hero, could you go tell him to visit me here?
He should see the view!”
After The Hero tells Mari that her dad wants to see her.
“It does feel a little empty...
I know my Dad is looking for me... But I wanna stay here longer...
Hero, could you go tell him to visit me here?
He should see the view!”
After The Hero tells her the secret beach looks empty.
“Yeah, I've been thinking about that...
The beach needs something natural though...”
After her Dad tells her the secret beach feels empty.
“Hi, Hero...
My Dad just gave me a bunch of chores to do...
Crazy Barks was chasing some Raposa around...
And Cookie is still fighting with Isaac...”
“...What's Jowee been doing?
Is he still searching for treasure?
We should tell him about the beach...
Hero, find Jowee and invite him here!
I bet he's digging up the north beach!”
“It's been tough... The villagers fight a lot...
I wish they would remember how much The Creator has done for us...”
After Jowee asks how her training is going.
“Hey Jowee... How do you think The Creator sees us...?”
“That's the dumbest thing I ever heard...”
Mari's response to Jowee's idea of how The Creator sees them.
Hero! We were uh... trying to think of an idea to unite the villagers...
Something to help them remember everything The Creator has done for us...”
Upon her and Jowee's private moment at the secret beach being interrupted by Heather and The Hero.
“I like that idea! There probably was a page for it in The Book of Life...
Hero, could you explore The Angler Isle and find the Village Statue page?
Maybe that will bring the villagers together...”
After Jowee suggests the idea of a village statue.
“Hi... What's your name...?
...And what happened to your ears?”
Mari first greeting Mike at the City Gate.
“This is our village... I'm Mari!
You should see my Dad... He's The Mayor!
Maybe he can figure out what happened to your ears!”
Mari telling Mike where he is.
“Hi, Hero! Where did you find that strange looking Raposa?”
“Uh... Human?
Is that like a type of Baki?
Is he dangerous?
He seemed nice... Hero, you should see if my dad can fix his ears!”
After The Hero says they think Mike is a human.
“I've never seen a grown Raposa without ears!
Maybe he got sick of listening to his rapokids!
Anyway... You should see my Dad... Maybe he can figure this out!”
After The Hero asks Mari what happened to Mike's ears.
“Preparations for what?
Oh! Rapo! I forgot... He's gonna be so mad...
I gotta go!”
After being reminded by Jowee that The Mayor called a village meeting.
“It's not fair... I can't remember everything!
The villagers don't even listen to me!”
Mari while getting yelled at by her dad.
“Well maybe I'm not cut out to be The Mayor...
You should choose someone else!”
The last words Mari says to her dad.
“What do you want?”
Mari to The Hero, after arguing with her dad.
“I don't want to see him right now...”
After The Hero says The Mayor wants to see her.
“That's not surprising...”
After The Hero tells her that Unagi is causing trouble.
“There is so much out there... and I'm supposed to stay here...
Stopping the other villagers from fighting each other...
I dunno how my Dad does it... They make me so mad sometimes...
Hero... I'm not sure if I want to be Mayor anymore...I really need to think about this more...”
“Dad... no...”
Mari seeing her dad dead on the ground.
“No... not really...
What are we gonna do without him...
everything is gonna fall apart...
All the Raposa are gonna leave...”
After Jowee asks if she's okay.
“Dad! No...
You should have protected him!
You're useless, Hero!”
Upon seeing her dad fade away.
“Creator... why did you take my Dad...
I can't do this alone...”
“Jowee... wait...
I can't do this... But I think together we can! Let's go... Hero, I'll try and calm everyone down here...
You need to stop Wilfre and find The Book of Life...
We need to hurry before the entire village disappears!”
“I'll take care of everything here... Go get Wilfre!”
Mari right before Wilfre is fought.
“Hero! you did it!
...And you brought back The Book of Life...
Let me insert the final page...”
“I'm not ready to ask The Creator to sign my name in The Book...
But I'll do my best to watch over The Village...
Hey... Maybe The Creator can sign his name?
...Just until I'm ready to become Mayor...”
Before The Creator signs their name in The Book of Life.
“I wonder what everyone is up to...?”
“Hey Jowee... aren't you supposed to be watching Heather?”
“That sounds like a great idea...
Hero, I need to talk to Jowee... alone.
When you're done with the villagers, come see us at the secret beach!
Let's go!”
After Jowee says that the villagers probably want to see The Hero.
“I heard you talking to Pirate Beard...
...about leaving the village...”
“I think you should go...
You always talk about adventure...
So you should go... Follow your heart...”
“I'd like that...
But my place is here in the village...
My Dad... Hero... They all believed in me...
and you believed in me...
I'll never forget that...
Don't stay away too long...”
Mari after Jowee suggests that she join him on his adventure.
“I guess I'll walk you to the dock!”
Mari walking Jowee to the village dock.
“Be safe, Jowee... Don't forget about us...”
Mari saying goodbye to Jowee at the dock.