Drawn to Life Wiki
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Tail Hook

Name Tail Hook
Use Mobile hook for the Tail to swing on
Creation Type Level Object
Has Preset Yes
Template Needed No
Created In/After Jangala Canopy
Game(s) Wii Logo

Draw a moving tail hook to hang around on!

–Draw Prompt

The Tail Hook is a creation in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii) that is drawn in Jangala Climb.

Once drawn, the Tail Hook can be found moving in predetermined areas and can be used as a means to swing and reach new areas.

TowerIcon Appearance[]

Due to the Tail Hook being a creation object, the appearance of this object is completely dependent on the player.

The preset drawing for this creation is a small, red flower with a yellow center.

AButton Levels[]

Question Trivia[]

  • The preset drawing for the Tail Hook may be based off of the Gerbera.

PaintingIcon Media[]
