...And find Jowee. That Rapo is nothing but trouble!”
Twilite Wood is the first level in the Forest Gate in Drawn to Life.
This level employs a standard layout, moving from left to right through several level "sections" towards the Exit Gate. It is the first level in which The Hero uses the Wings creation.
Like most other levels, Shadow Goo is splattered around Twilite Woods. The Hero can clear the Shadow Goo for an end-level bonus.
After Jowee runs into the Forest Gate looking for a gift for Mari, The Hero is sent in to find him and bring back the Night Sky Template. The Hero encounters Jowee early on whilst traversing the level, and near the end of the level, Jowee finds and shows them a flower that he picked, which he then asks The Creator to color in.
The Hero also rescues Zsasha and two other Raposa from the level.
Rescued Raposa Quotes[]
Do not tell anyone you saved me!”
Unattributed Raposa
Zsasha's Adoptive Daughter
Template Page[]
- A total value of 684 Rapo-Coins can be collected in this level. This includes coins obtained from houses and crates, but excludes coins earned from enemy kills and combos.
- An additional 100 coins may be added to this value assuming The Hero passes the level with a perfect score.
- An extra level in Kirby Star Allies bears a resemblance to this level, as it takes place at night and has glowing, solid star shapes scattered around the level's background.
Forest 2 |