Drawn to Life Wiki
Drawn to Life Wiki

Name Zipline
Use To transport The Hero across abysses and voids in the ground
Creation Type Level Object
Has Preset No
Template Needed No
Created In/After Star Forest
Game(s) Dtl1LogoThumb

Zip across the gaping void!

–Design Prompt

Ziplines are creations in Drawn to Life that are first drawn during the final segment of Star Forest.

Zipline creations are composed of two parts—the pulley, which the player creates, and the pre-drawn line/track.

When The Hero touches the Zipline pulley, they automatically grab and hold onto it. Once The Hero is attached, the pulley segment will begin to quickly ride down the line. At the end of the line, the Zipline pulley will disengage from the track and fall off-screen, either forcing The Hero to double-jump (using their Wings) to the start of the next Zipline or land on a platform beneath them.

Ziplines are used a total of eight times within Star Forest.

TowerIcon Appearance[]

Due to the Zipline being a creation object and having no pre-drawn preset or guide, the appearance of this object is almost completely dependent on the player.

They are still confined to a 404px area.

AButton Levels[]

Question Trivia[]

  • Individual Zipline creations can only be used once unless a segment of the level is reloaded or the player loses a life.
  • While in motion, The Hero will be unresponsive to all game input until they disconnect from the creation.
  • Although the name used for this creation is "Zipline", it would be more correct to call it a "Flying Fox", because the shape and use (held by hand rather than attached to the lower body) is more like that of a flying fox than a proper zipline.

PaintingIcon Media[]

Level Creations
Snow Gate CloudStormy CloudGooSledSpringSuper Spring
Ice CubeSubmarineVineMini GooHang GliderWhale
Ferris WheelSnowboardDrift Ice
Forest Gate WindSwingLeavesJowee's FlowerRocketTreadmill
Flower BudGear3 Way SwitchBasketMeteorStarZipline
Beach Gate HammockSeaweedCoconut RadioSurfboardTiki Head
WhaleecopterJewelConchFlying Fish
City Gate BoulderZeppelinPillarTreeRubbleHouseWindmillFalling ChairChandelierStone Pillar
Turtle Rock Standard PlatformHealthCoin ClownAction Draw Altar
Watersong SurfboardBallXylophoneLilypadTurbo Ring
Lavasteam Collapsing PlatformMine CartGearGeyserLavaberg
Galactic Jungle Turbo Ring 2Rope ModuleShooter ShipSpace BombSpace Shot
Switch Activated Platform
Jangala PlatformButterfliesFalling LogsTailTail PostLizard
Jungle CarSpiderTail HookShrunken HeadFalling Leaves
Spooky EyesTail CrankMushroomToucan BeakFirefly
Giant ForkBoneGiant SpoonTribal MaskLemonBananaPineapple
Shadow City MoonSinking PlatformClawsStreet DebrisBatVertical Platform
Window SilhouetteHorizontal PlatformChimney DebrisPlugFlag
Hot Air BalloonMinute HandClock FaceHour HandClock Face
SwingShooting StarRatBannerConveyor BeltButton
Wilfre's Painting 1Wilfre's Painting 2GhostBoss' Breakfast
Boss' LunchBoss' Dinner
Icy Wastes SnowflakeSwordSnowman NoseSnowman Eyes
Snowman ArmsSkatesSeesawIce BridgeCandy CaneIce CarIcicle
Flipping PlatformShovelFrozen RoseWelcome MatDanger Sign
Ice TumblerMailboxSnow FlagSnowman Hat
Shiny OrnamentTacky Ornament
Eastern Winds FlowerWingsDebrisBeesWindmill BladeExtendable Platform
Pressure PlateAccelerator RingKiteBalloonsBirdsHelicopter
RainbowRotating PathShooterPinwheelWeather VaneWindsock
Cave PaintingCloud 1Acorn of AgesRain CloudCloud 2
Leaves of Ages
Village Creations
Raposa Village Eternal FlameThe SunBanyaCookie's SignRain Cloud
Jowee's FlowerNight SkyThe MoonClock
Village ObservatoryBeach ToysKori TreeEpic StatueLighthouse
Kaorin BushSecret Door
Watersong BirdStatueLighthouse
Lavasteam Cave MonsterLavabridge
Galactic Jungle Shooter ShipPlanet
Wilfre's Wasteland Village Altars
Raposa Village (Wii) WorldSunHeartBanyaVillage BridgeCookie's SignIsaac's Door